Gingerbread House Writing

Hello Everyone,
Today, in Second Grade we learned how to describe settings in our stories.

First we talked about the components of settings. We talked about place, time, and environment. Students then described settings on their white boards. 


Once we had practiced, I decided to let them describe a gingerbread house based on a picture. 



This helped some of my struggling writers get a better sense of what is expected when describing a setting. 

After that, we wrote a class description of a gingerbread house. I encouraged them to be creative and step outside of the box a little. Some of these houses were in caves and others underwater! 

Finally, the students brainstormed ideas for their own gingerbread house description on a story map.
I let them use spelling helpers too. I like to provide my students with as many tools as I can to help them become independent writers. 



Once they had completed their writing maps, they put their ideas together in full sentences.


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Click on the pictures to check out some of my other Christmas packs!

Until next time...

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